HEASARC Data Finders and Catalog Access (gdt.core.heasarc)


The High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) is a repository for data and catalogs for many high-energy astrophysics missions. Science and auxiliary data files are hosted on a FTP server, while a variety of catalogs are accessible via the HEASARC’s Browse interface.

The GDT provides a base class for accessing and navigating the FTP directories of mission data, as well as a base class for interfacing with catalogs on HEASARC.

The FtpFinder Class

The FtpFinder in the GDT provides functionality for accessing, navigating, and downloading data from HEASARC for a given mission. One problem with finding the data you need for an investigation is that the directory structure for each mission can be very different and may require different inputs. The FtpFinder base class aims to fix this problem. For a given mission and data archive, the important parameter may be a time or an observation ID or a trigger number. And the directory structure may be organized such that navigating it manually is a nuisance. By inheriting the FtpFinder and defining one function, we can immediately access the data we need and download it for a given mission.

For Developers:

In this example, we will make a data finder for Fermi GBM trigger data. To do so, we will inherit FtpFinder, define the root directory for the data archive on the FTP server, and define a private function called _construct_path() that will construct the correct directory path given the required input parameters.

>>> import os
>>> from gdt.core.heasarc import FtpFinder
>>> class MyFtpFinder(FtpFinder):
>>>     _root = '/fermi/data/gbm/triggers'
>>>     def _construct_path(self, str_trigger_num):
>>>         year = '20' + str_trigger_num[0:2]
>>>         path = os.path.join(self._root, year, 'bn' + str_trigger_num, 'current')
>>>         return path

In the _construct_path() method, we defined our input argument to be the GBM trigger number (in string form), we have logic that constructs the proper path to the data for the given trigger number, and it returns that path.


Now we can create an instance of MyFtpFinder and initialize it with a trigger number:

>>> finder = MyFtpFinder('170817529')
>>> finder
<MyFtpFinder: 170817529>

To see how many files or what files are available in the directory:

>>> finder.num_files
>>> finder.files

As in this case, there are a lot of files in the directory, and perhaps you’re only interested in a certain file type. You can filter the files based on the file type and extension. For example, let’s list only GBM CTIME files:

>>> ctime_files = finder.filter('ctime', 'pha')
>>> ctime_files

Of course you can download the files, which can be done once you’ve made the list of files you want to download.

>>> finder.get('the_download_dir', ctime_files)

This will download all the files listed in ctime_files to the directory ‘the_download_dir’.

You can also change to a different directory with the same object:

>>> finder.cd('080916009')
>>> finder
<MyFtpFinder: 080916009>

If you don’t want to change directories but instead just list what is in a different directory, you can do that too:

>>> finder.ls('090510016')

The BrowseCatalog Class

BrowseCatalog enables easy access to HEASARC catalogs. You can retrieve virtually any HEASARC catalog and perform operations on a local copy of the catalog. The local operations are more efficient than continuous querying of the online catalog, and a version of the catalog is cached so that you can choose to perform future reads from your local disk rather than re-querying HEASARC. You can choose to directly use the BrowseCatalog class or sub-class it to add your own specialized functionality.

For Developers:

In this example, we will sub-class BrowseCatalog to create our own catalog class for the GBM trigger catalog:

>>> from gdt.core.heasarc import BrowseCatalog
>>> class MyCatalog(BrowseCatalog):
>>>     def __init__(self, cache_path='.', **kwargs):
>>>         super().__init__(cache_path, table='fermigtrig', **kwargs)

The cache_path is the path where the cached catalog file will be saved, and we have set it to our current directory by default. The table argument is set to the HEASARC unique catalog identifier for the GBM trigger catalog.


Now we can create an instance of the catalog:

>>> cat = MyCatalog(verbose=True)
Sending request and awaiting response from HEASARC...
Downloading fermigtrig from HEASARC via w3query.pl...
Finished in 9 s
>>> cat
<MyCatalog: 29 columns, 8270 rows>

Now that we have retrieved the catalog, we can do a variety of operations. For example, if you want to know what columns are included in the catalog, you can access that:

>>> cat.columns

And perhaps you want to know the range of values contained in a column:

>>> # the range of trigger names
>>> cat.column_range('TRIGGER_NAME')
('BN080714086', 'BN220426299')
>>> # the range of localization error radius
>>> cat.column_range('ERROR_RADIUS')
(0.0, 93.54)

More importantly, let’s say you want to retrieve the trigger name, RA, and Dec for all of the triggers. You can retrieve those columns from the catalog and return it as a numpy record array:

>>> cat.get_table(columns=['TRIGGER_NAME', 'RA', 'DEC'])
rec.array([('BN120403857 ',  55.3384, -89.0093),
           ('BN140912846 ',  44.05  , -88.9333),
           ('BN120227725 ', 256.73  , -88.86  ), ...,
           ('BN110201399 ', 137.58  ,  88.6054),
           ('BN150705660 ', 257.75  ,  88.9167),
           ('BN220403863 ', 191.5   ,  89.1836)],
          dtype=[('TRIGGER_NAME', '<U12'), ('RA', '<f8'), ('DEC', '<f8')])

You can also take a row slice of the catalog based on column condition:

>>> # get all rows where loc error < 5 deg
>>> cat.slice('ERROR_RADIUS', hi=5.0)
<MyCatalog: 29 columns, 4208 rows>
>>> # get all rows where loc error is between 1 and 2 degrees
>>> cat.slice('ERROR_RADIUS', lo=1.0, hi=2.0)
<MyCatalog: 29 columns, 556 rows>

Notice that a new catalog object is returned so you can perform the same operations on the sliced catalog as you can with the original catalog object, If you want to perform a slice on the catalog using multiple column conditions, you would do something like this:

>>> # get all rows where the trigger is a GRB and loc err is < 5 deg
>>> cat.slices([('TRIGGER_TYPE', 'GRB', 'GRB'), ('ERROR_RADIUS', None, 5.0)])
<MyCatalog: 29 columns, 1962 rows>

The query using slices() is a bit different from that using the simple slice method. We provide a list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the values (<column name>, <low value>, <high value>). If either the low or high value is not specified, then replace the value with None.

Finally, if you want to access the catalog later, but you don’t want to retrieve it from HEASARC again, you can initialize the object with cached=True to force the loading of the cached file:

>>> new_cat = MyCatalog(cached=True)
>>> new_cat
<MyCatalog: 29 columns, 8270 rows>

Note that this will only load the latest version of the catalog you downloaded from HEASARC, so if it is a catalog that you expect will be updated before your next use, you should still update from HEASARC.


gdt.core.heasarc Module


FtpFinder(*args[, host, progress])

A base class for the interface to the HEASARC FTP archive.

BrowseCatalog(cache_path[, table, verbose, ...])

A class that interfaces with the HEASARC Browse API.


Ftp(*args[, host, progress])


Used to download a list of files given as a URL.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of gdt.core.heasarc.FtpFinder, gdt.core.heasarc.BrowseCatalog, gdt.core.heasarc.Http, gdt.core.heasarc.Ftp, gdt.core.heasarc.FileDownloader