Low-level Plot Functions (lib)


gdt.core.plot.lib Module


earth_line(lat, lon, proj[, color, alpha])

Plot a line on the Earth (e.g.

earth_points(lat, lon, proj[, color, alpha, ...])

Plot a point or points on the Earth.

effective_area(bins, ax[, color, orientation])

Plot a histogram of the effective area of an instrument response.

errorband(x, y_upper, y_lower, ax, **kwargs)

Plot an error band.

galactic_plane(ax[, flipped, frame, zen, ...])

Plot the galactic plane on the sky.

histo(bins, ax[, color, edges_to_zero])

Plot a rate histogram either lightcurves or count spectra.

histo_errorbars(bins, ax[, color])

Plot errorbars for lightcurves or count spectra.

histo_filled(bins, ax[, color, fill_alpha])

Plot a filled histogram.

lightcurve_background(backrates, ax[, ...])

Plot a lightcurve background model with an error band.

response_matrix(phot_energies, ...[, cmap, ...])

Make a filled contour plot of a response matrix.

saa_polygon(lat_saa, lon_saa, proj[, color, ...])

Plot the SAA polygon on the Earth.

selection_line(xpos, ax, **kwargs)

Plot a selection line.

selections(bounds, ax, **kwargs)

Plot selection bounds.

sky_annulus(center_x, center_y, radius, ...)

Plot an annulus on the sky defined by its center, radius, and width.

sky_circle(center_x, center_y, radius, ax[, ...])

Plot a circle on the sky.

sky_heatmap(x, y, heatmap, ax[, cmap, norm, ...])

Plot a heatmap on the sky as a colormap gradient.

sky_line(x, y, ax[, flipped, frame])

Plot a line on a sky map, wrapping at the meridian.

sky_point(x, y, ax[, flipped, frame])

Plot a point on the sky.

sky_polygon(x, y, ax[, face_color, ...])

Plot single polygon on a sky map, wrapping at the meridian.

spectrum_background(backspec, ax[, ...])

Plot a count spectrum background model with an error band.