Time Epochs and Utilities (gdt.core.time)

The GDT relies heavily on Astropy’s infrastructure for time definitions and conversions.

For Developers:

Custom Time Epochs

Missions often define a Mission Elapsed Time (MET), which is essentially a time epoch that serves as a reference for all observations and data produced during the lifetime of the mission. METs can be defined in different ways, on different time scales, and with different reference points. Astropy provides a way to define our own custom epoch so that we can convert between our custom MET to any standard time scale and convention, or even to other custom METs. Defining a custom epoch is not difficult, and we show, as an example, the definition for the Fermi mission epoch:

>>> from astropy.time import TimeFromEpoch
>>> class FermiSecTime(TimeFromEpoch):
>>>     """Represents the number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 2001 00:00:00 UTC
>>>     including leap seconds.
>>>     """
>>>     name = 'fermi'
>>>     unit = 1.0 / 86400.0  # in days (1 day == 86400 seconds)
>>>     epoch_val = '2001-01-01 00:01:04.184' # offset of TT from UTC
>>>     epoch_val2 = None # Do not need epoch_val2
>>>     epoch_format = 'iso'
>>>     epoch_scale = 'tt'  # Terrestrial Time

In this example, there a few things to note. First the class must inherit Astropy’s TimeFromEpoch, and the name of our epoch is captured in the variable name. Next, unit defines the units of time relative to a day. For example, if we expect the unit of time to be 1 second, then unit is defined as it is in the example above. The other variables define the reference point and scale for the custom epoch.


The custom epoch can be used in the following way. For example, let us create a UTC time in an ISO format:

>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> time = Time('2022-01-01 12:22:42', format='iso', scale='utc')

Now, the time can be converted to our custom epoch by using the name we gave epoch:

>>> time.fermi

That is the corresponding Fermi MET for the given UTC time. We can go the other way, by defining the Fermi MET in a time object:

>>> time = Time(662732567.0, format='fermi')
>>> time
<Time object: scale='tt' format='fermi' value=662732567.0>

And we can convert it back to the original UTC scale and ISO format:

>>> time.utc.iso
'2022-01-01 12:22:42.000'

The time module contains some utilities, such as generating a range of times:

>>> from gdt.core.time import time_range
>>> # generate times from our MET input time, to +100 s in increment of 10 s
>>> times = time_range(time, 100.0, 10)
>>> times
<Time object: scale='tt' format='fermi' value=[6.62732567e+08 6.62732577e+08 6.62732587e+08 6.62732597e+08
 6.62732607e+08 6.62732617e+08 6.62732627e+08 6.62732637e+08
 6.62732647e+08 6.62732657e+08]>
>>> times.utc.iso
array(['2022-01-01 12:22:42.000', '2022-01-01 12:22:52.000',
       '2022-01-01 12:23:02.000', '2022-01-01 12:23:12.000',
       '2022-01-01 12:23:22.000', '2022-01-01 12:23:32.000',
       '2022-01-01 12:23:42.000', '2022-01-01 12:23:52.000',
       '2022-01-01 12:24:02.000', '2022-01-01 12:24:12.000'], dtype='<U23')


gdt.core.time Module


hours_range_from(hours, *[, from_time])

Returns a collection of hours starting from the given hours but not including the current hour of from time.

time_range(start, stop[, step])

Creates an array of Time values within the specified range.


Truncates the given time object to the current hour.