PHAII Files (gdt.core.phaii)


As discussed in the PHA Documentation, gamma-ray spectra are typically recorded PHA files. PHA Type-I files (usually just called PHA) contain a single spectrum, while PHA Type-II (PHAII) files contain a time series of spectra. While the internal organization of the PHAII FITS file is a little bit different than the PHA file, the concept is similar.

The Phaii Class

The Phaii class provides a way to construct, write out, and read standard PHAII files. There are also some functions provided to operate on PHAII data. Somewhat different from the Pha class, the Phaii base class does not have the ability to read and write PHAII files. Phaii is expected to be subclassed to define the reading and writing portion of the file, however, you can still programmatically create a Phaii object. In the following examples, we will first create a Phaii object with some data, and then we will walk through how to subclass Phaii to create a class that can read/write files.


First, we will show how to construct a Phaii object from a time series of count spectra. The data within a Phaii object is a TimeEnergyBins, which is a 2D array in time and energy, so we will define that. Additionally, we can define a Gti, which is one or multiple Good Time Intervals over which the data can be used for science.

>>> from gdt.core.data_primitives import TimeEnergyBins, Gti
>>> from gdt.core.phaii import Phaii
>>> # construct the time series count spectra (6 time bins, 8 channels)
>>> counts = [[ 0,  0,  2,  1,  2,  0,  0,  0],
>>>           [ 3, 16, 10, 13, 14,  4,  3,  3],
>>>           [ 3, 23, 26, 13,  8,  8,  5,  5],
>>>           [ 4, 21, 19, 16, 13,  2,  3,  4],
>>>           [ 4, 20, 17, 11, 15,  2,  1,  5],
>>>           [ 6, 20, 19, 11, 11,  1,  4,  4]]
>>> tstart = [0.0000, 0.0039, 0.0640, 0.1280, 0.1920, 0.2560]
>>> tstop = [0.0039, 0.0640, 0.1280, 0.1920, 0.2560, 0.320]
>>> exposure = [0.0038, 0.0598, 0.0638, 0.0638, 0.0638, 0.0638]
>>> emin = [4.32, 11.5, 26.2, 49.6, 101., 290., 539., 997.]
>>> emax = [11.5, 26.2, 49.6, 101., 290., 539., 997., 2000.]
>>> data = TimeEnergyBins(counts, tstart, tstop, exposure, emin, emax)
>>> # construct the good time interval(s)
>>> gti = Gti.from_list([(0.0000, 0.320)])
>>> # create the PHAII object
>>> phaii = Phaii.from_data(data, gti=gti, trigger_time=356223561.)
>>> phaii
trigger time: 356223561.0;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
energy range (4.32, 2000.0)>

Setting the GTI is not required, and omitting the GTI will cause a default GTI to be created with a range spanning the full time range of the data. Also note that we set a trigger time (also optional), that is used as a time reference for the data.

Now that we have created our Phaii object, there are several attributes that are available to us. We can directly access the data and GTI we created the object with, as well as the Ebounds object that was constructed upon initialization:

>>> # the PHAII data
<TimeEnergyBins: 6 time bins;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
1 time segments;
8 energy bins;
energy range (4.32, 2000.0);
1 energy segments>
>>> # the GTI
>>> pha.gti
<Gti: 1 intervals; range (0.0, 0.32)>
>>> # the Ebounds
>>> pha.ebounds
<Ebounds: 8 intervals; range (4.32, 2000.0)>

There are other attributes that are exposed:

>>> # energy range
>>> phaii.energy_range
(4.32, 2000.0)
>>> # number of energy channels
>>> phaii.num_chans
>>> # time range covered by data
>>> phaii.time_range
(0.0, 0.32)
>>> # trigger time (if available)
>>> phaii.trigtime

In addition to these attributes, we can retrieve the exposure for the full data contained within the Phaii object or for a time segment of the data contained:

>>> # full exposure
>>> phaii.get_exposure()
>>> # get total exposure for two segments of data
>>> phaii.get_exposure(time_ranges=[(0.0, 0.1), (0.2, 0.3)])

A Phaii object can be rebinned in either the time or energy axis. Here we rebin each axis by a factor of 2:

>>> from gdt.core.binning.binned import combine_by_factor
>>> # rebin energy
>>> rebinned_energy = phaii.rebin_energy(combine_by_factor, 2)
<TimeEnergyBins: 6 time bins;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
1 time segments;
4 energy bins;
energy range (4.32, 2000.0);
1 energy segments>
>>> # rebin time
>>> rebinned_time = phaii.rebin_time(combine_by_factor, 2)
<TimeEnergyBins: 3 time bins;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
1 time segments;
8 energy bins;
energy range (4.32, 2000.0);
1 energy segments>

You can also slice the Phaii object in time or energy. You can specify one or multiple ranges to slice over:

>>> sliced_energy = phaii.slice_energy([(25.0, 35.0), (550.0, 750.0)])
<TimeEnergyBins: 6 time bins;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
1 time segments;
3 energy bins;
energy range (11.5, 997.0);
2 energy segments>
>>> sliced_time = phaii.slice_time([(0.0, 0.1), (0.2, 0.3)])
<TimeEnergyBins: 5 time bins;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
2 time segments;
8 energy bins;
energy range (4.32, 2000.0);
1 energy segments>

In both cases, we sliced to two disjoint ranges, defined as a list of tuples. Note that the resulting sliced energy edges are dependent on the energy edges of the original object, since they cannot be changed.

Because PHAII data are two-dimensional, we often want to display either the data on the time axis or the energy axis. In fact, the data can be integrated over the energy axis to produce a lightcurve represented as a TimeBins object, or it can be integrated over the time axis to produce a count spectrum, represented as an EnergyBins object.

Here, we create a lightcurve by integrating over the full energy range, or a subset of the energy range:

>>> # integrate over the full energy range
>>> lightcurve = phaii.to_lightcurve()
<TimeBins: 6 bins;
range (0.0, 0.32);
1 contiguous segments>
>>> # integrate over a subset of the full energy range
>>> lightcurve = phaii.to_lightcurve(energy_range=(50.0, 300.0))
>>> # can also specify the channel range instead
>>> lightcurve = phaii.to_lightcurve(channel_range=(3, 5))

We can plot the lightcurve using the Lightcurve plotting class (see Plotting Lightcurves for details). Plotting the example that integrates over channels 3-5 looks like this:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from gdt.core.plot.lightcurve import Lightcurve
>>> lcplot = Lightcurve(data=lightcurve)

And here we create a count spectrum by integrating over the full time range or a subset of the time range:

>>> # integrate over the full time range
>>> spectrum = phaii.to_spectrum()
<EnergyBins: 8 bins;
range (4.32, 2000.0);
1 contiguous segments>
>>> # integrate over a subset of the full time range
>>> spectrum = phaii.to_spectrum(time_range=(0.0, 0.1))

Similar to plotting the lightcurve, we can plot the spectrum using the Spectrum plotting class (see Plotting Count Spectra for details). Our latest example integrating over 0.0-0.1 seconds looks like this:

>>> from gdt.core.plot.spectrum import Spectrum
>>> specplot = Spectrum(data=spectrum)

We can even directly create a Pha object, which integrates over a time range (or multiple time ranges) and produces a fully qualified object that can then be written to a FITS file.

>>> pha = phaii.to_pha(time_ranges=[(0.0, 0.1), (0.2, 0.3)])
>>> pha
trigger time: 356223561.0;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
energy range (4.32, 2000.0)>
>>> pha.gti
<Gti: 2 intervals; range (0.0, 0.32)>

Furthermore, you can create a Pha object with only a subset of the energy range, and it will automatically mask out the channels you are not using:

>>> pha = phaii.to_pha(energy_range=(50.0, 300.0))
trigger time: 356223561.0;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
energy range (4.32, 2000.0)>
>>> pha.channel_mask
array([False, False, False, True, True, True, False, False])
>>> pha.valid_channels
array([3, 4, 5])

Finally, you can merge multiple Phaii objects together into a single object, as long as they do not overlap in time:

>>> phaii1 = phaii.slice_time((0.0, 0.1))
>>> phaii2 = phaii.slice_time((0.2, 0.3))
>>> phaii_merged = Phaii.merge([phaii1, phaii2])
>>> phaii_merged
trigger time: 356223561.0;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
energy range (4.32, 2000.0)>
>>> phaii_merged.gti
<Gti: 2 intervals; range (0.0, 0.32)>

No Energy Calibration

Sometimes PHAII data does not have a native calibration associated with it or the calibration is applied at a later time. We can still create a Phaii object with a TimeChannelBins object.

>>> from gdt.core.data_primitives import TimeChannelBins, Gti
>>> from gdt.core.phaii import Phaii
>>> # construct the time series count spectra (6 time bins, 8 channels)
>>> counts = [[ 0,  0,  2,  1,  2,  0,  0,  0],
>>>           [ 3, 16, 10, 13, 14,  4,  3,  3],
>>>           [ 3, 23, 26, 13,  8,  8,  5,  5],
>>>           [ 4, 21, 19, 16, 13,  2,  3,  4],
>>>           [ 4, 20, 17, 11, 15,  2,  1,  5],
>>>           [ 6, 20, 19, 11, 11,  1,  4,  4]]
>>> tstart = [0.0000, 0.0039, 0.0640, 0.1280, 0.1920, 0.2560]
>>> tstop = [0.0039, 0.0640, 0.1280, 0.1920, 0.2560, 0.320]
>>> exposure = [0.0038, 0.0598, 0.0638, 0.0638, 0.0638, 0.0638]
>>> chan_nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> data = TimeChannelBins(counts, tstart, tstop, exposure, chan_nums)
>>> # construct the good time interval(s)
>>> gti = Gti.from_list([(0.0000, 0.320)])
>>> # create the PHAII object
>>> phaii = Phaii.from_data(data, gti=gti, trigger_time=356223561.)
>>> phaii
trigger time: 356223561.0;
time range (0.0, 0.32);
energy range None>

All of the functionality is maintained when using uncalibrated PHAII data, including merging, slicing, rebinning, and converting to lightcurves and spectra, with the exception of creating a PHA object, which requires an energy calibration. When converting to a spectrum, a ChannelBins object is returned instead of an EnergyBins object:

>>> spectrum = phaii.to_spectrum()
>>> spectrum
<ChannelBins: 8 bins;
 range (0, 7);
 1 contiguous segments>

We can even plot the channel spectrum, which will look a little bit different from the earlier count spectrum plot because we don’t have an energy calibration:

>>> from gdt.core.plot.spectrum import Spectrum
>>> specplot = Spectrum(data=spectrum)

If, after creating the uncalibrated Phaii object, we want to apply an energy calibration, we can do that by creating an Ebounds object containing the energy edges. This will update the data container from a TimeChannelBins to a TimeEnergyBins:

>>> emin = [4.32, 11.5, 26.2, 49.6, 101., 290., 539., 997.]
>>> emax = [11.5, 26.2, 49.6, 101., 290., 539., 997., 2000.]
>>> ebounds = Ebounds.from_bounds(emin, emax)
>>> phaii.set_ebounds(ebounds)
<TimeEnergyBins: 6 time bins;
 time range (0.0, 0.32);
 1 time segments;
 8 energy bins;
 energy range (4.32, 2000.0);
 1 energy segments>

For Developers:


To read and write PHAII FITS files, the Phaii class needs to be subclassed. This is because the format and metadata of PHAII files can be different from mission to mission. When subclassing Phaii to read a PHAII file, the open() method needs to be defined. To write out a PHAII file, the private method _build_hdulist() needs to be defined, which defines the data structure for each extension of the FITS file. Adding header information/metadata is not required, however if you do want the header information to be tracked when reading in a file and written out when writing a file to disk, you will need to create the header definitions as explained in Data File Headers and also define the private method _build_headers().

To illustrate further, below is a sketch of how the Phaii class should be subclassed in the example MyPhaii:

>>> import as fits
>>> from gdt.core.data_primitives import TimeEnergyBins, Gti
>>> from gdt.core.phaii import Phaii
>>> class MyPhaii(Phaii):
>>>     """An example to read and write PHAII files for xxx instrument"""
>>>     @classmethod
>>>     def open(cls, file_path, **kwargs):
>>>         with super().open(file_path, **kwargs) as obj:
>>>             # an example of how to set the headers
>>>             hdrs = [hdu.header for hdu in obj.hdulist]
>>>             headers = MyFileHeaders.from_headers(hdrs)
>>>             # an example of how to set the data
>>>             data = TimeEnergyBins(counts, tstart, tstop, exposure, emin,
>>>                                   emax, quality=quality)
>>>             # an example of how to set the GTI
>>>             gti = Gti.from_bounds(gti_start, gti_end)
>>>         return cls.from_data(data, gti=gti, trigger_time=trigger_time,
>>>                              filename=obj.filename, headers=headers)
>>>     def _build_hdulist(self):
>>>         # this is where we build the HDU list (header/data for each extension)
>>>         hdulist = fits.HDUList()
>>>         # some code to create PRIMARY HDU
>>>         # ...
>>>         hdulist.append(primary_hdu)
>>>         # code to create other HDUs and append to hdulist
>>>         # ...
>>>         return hdulist
>>>     def _build_headers(self, trigtime, tstart, tstop, num_chans):
>>>         # build the header based on these inputs
>>>         headers = self.headers.copy()
>>>         # update header information here
>>>         # ...
>>>         return headers

To create a Phaii object from a PHAII FITS file, the open() method should, at a minimum, be able to construct a TimeEnergyBins object containing the data. Additionally, you can construct a Gti, and FileHeaders. If the data has an associated trigger or reference time, you can track that as well.

The example creation of headers takes in a list of the headers from each extension and assumes you have created a class (in this case MyFileHeaders) that will read in the header information.

To write the PHAII to disk, the _build_hdulist() defines the list of FITS HDUs, and is called by the write() method. The _build_headers() method is called whenever operations are performed on the object, like rebinning or slicing to propagate the header information.


gdt.core.phaii Module



PHAII class for time series of spectra.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of gdt.core.phaii.Phaii

Special Methods


This builds the HDU list for the FITS file. This method needs to be specified in the inherited class. The method should construct each HDU (PRIMARY, EBOUNDS, SPECTRUM, GTI, etc.) containing the respective header and data. The HDUs should then be inserted into a HDUList and that list returned



Phaii._build_headers(trigtime, tstart, tstop, num_chans)[source]

This builds the headers for the FITS file. This method needs to be specified in the inherited class. The method should construct the headers from the minimum required arguments and additional keywords and return a FileHeaders object.

  • trigtime (float or None) – The trigger time. Set to None if no trigger time.

  • tstart (float) – The start time

  • tstop (float) – The stop time

  • num_chans (int) – Number of detector energy channels

